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5 Crystals for the end of 2022

Which crystal is ideal for facing the cold and the end of the year

5 Crystals for the end of 2022  Which crystal is ideal for facing the cold and the end of the year

The end-of-year period means lowering temperatures, the desire to shut oneself in a little and seek warmth, but above all it brings out the need to take stock of the good intentions one had set a year before. People then look for any stratagem to face it in the most optimistic and constructive way possible: there are those who are already thinking about the year ahead, those who rely on a new agenda or the introduction of new habits, and finally those who, a lover of crystal therapy, begin to choose the perfect crystal combinations for energetic support. Crystals are a tool to lean on and ask for support, they enhance abilities already present in the character, help to channel energies and give that extra touch of strength and tranquillity needed to deal with what life presents every day. There are countless ways to keep crystals, powerful containers of energy, with you at all times: in your pocket, bag, wallet, desk, set in necklaces, bracelets, earrings or rings...

Here are 5 stones that are perfect for this period because of their properties!



Referred to as the stone of self-esteem, the carnelian is the perfect right-hand sidekick for when you need something to instill confidence, to nurture courage, boldness and trust in your own abilities. It is the right stone for those moments when tiredness and heaviness are most felt: wearing it will support a return to vitality, giving you a boost of energy, both mental and physical. It is an energy to reinvigorate willpower, motivation and determination, helping you to come out of your bubble and assert yourself. Its strong red color is reminiscent of passion and dynamism, which is why it is excellent not only for feeling energetic, but also for helping to channel strong emotions of nervousness and anger, so as to manage them in the most optimal way.




The green stone of luck! Aventurine is known as the ultimate abundance magnet and promoter of confident thoughts: it is what you need if you want to see the bright side of things and hope to attract more and more positive situations in life, work and school, as it fuels motivation towards achieving goals, helps you to have an optimistic outlook and to think positively - it is known that a mind convinced of its own abilities and full of optimism is more likely to create its own luck! Yet, experiencing pressure and stress is very common, which is why aventurine has among its properties the release of passing anxieties and the slowing down of frenzy to make room for tranquillity and gratitude. It is a crystal that helps you overcome everyday obstacles, find solutions and alleviate all worries. 



Unleash the free spirit within you with rainbow fluorite! This multi-colored stone supports you in being more flexible, welcoming of change and with a strong spirit of adaptation. It is a crystal that can stimulate the mind and make you more creative, with a more elastic mind and independent in making choices of all kinds. Mental agility is a necessary tool in everyday life, as is contact with one's intuition, a quality often left aside but which Rainbow Fluorite is able to invigorate. Letting intuition flow and guide one in making choices is often a trump card! Bonus property, because fluorite does not miss out on anything: it supports maintaining concentration - ideal for dancing minds! 




To find some inner peace even when the pace is hectic and we just want to slow down, lepidolite is the right stone. This crystal helps to limit the influence of external energies, ensuring that your mood and energy are not greatly affected by the environment around you and facilitating calm and relaxation. Lepidolite gives you tranquillity, helps you concentrate and put distractions aside and supports the restoration of your inner balance. It is the perfect stone to keep with you in the evening, especially after a long day, as it can soften your energy, supporting detachment from your inner world and a welcome return to the calmness needed to fall asleep. We could definitely call it the stone of the here and now. 



If you have to face situations that require concentration and a good memory, such as an exam or an important meeting, don't forget your sodalite! This stone is a great stimulator of the nervous system: it helps you to analyze and observe any situation, reinforcing your awareness and allowing you to access new truths thanks to sharpened intuition. Sodalite activates the mind and supports the processing of your thoughts so as to create clarity, encourage effective communication and support you in expressing your ideas, feelings or knowledge. It is excellent for public speaking and for all situations in which you want to communicate content successfully. 


Here are the weapons for overcoming any pressure caused by the transition from one year to the next. Take them with you, make them accomplices in your evolution and the results you work hard for will come!