Dreams that you have surely had and of which you still do not know the meaning
We have collected the most frequently recurring dreams and their interpretations
September 25th, 2023
5 Dreams you have probably also had and did not know the meaning of. And even if not all dreams are golden dreams, knowing their interpretation can help you get your beauty sleep back.
The most common recurring dreams and their interpretations are
Dreaming about being cheated on, what does it mean?

First place ever, not for repetition, but for drama. I know you too have woken up one morning angry next to your partner in bed. It's actually hard to look away after you spent the whole night watching him cheat on you shamelessly. But don't worry about it! This dream is not your subconscious mind's attempt to expose your partner's infidelity. Rather, according to a Jungian interpretation, the betrayal in the dream could symbolise an unresolved conflict between your needs and expectations in your relationship. You should first ask yourself if you feel valued for who you are. Has something happened that has undermined your self-confidence? Have you performed an action for which you feel guilty? Do you find it difficult to trust people or to be vulnerable?

My suggestion is to share with your partner the feelings of cheating in your life (without blaming him/her) for a better connection and mutual understanding. What if you are the one cheating? It's likely that your subconscious is aware of something new in your life that is taking time away from your relationship. Ask yourself how this cheating makes you feel. In dream interpretation, the reaction the dream evokes is more important than the dream itself.
What does it mean to dream of a fall?

According to recent studies, falling is the most common dream among men and the second most common among women. Has this ever happened to you? That would indicate a common tendency to hold oneself, one's goals or hopes high. One thing is certain when you feel on top of the world? It will be a long, long fall. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but watch out when you land. According to Jung, when we dream of falling, it's usually because we think we've lost our footing, which can be either emotionally or financially, or because an event in our lives has made us doubt our worth. Our advice is to enjoy the flight, because who doesn't enjoy a little rollercoaster ride?
What does it mean to dream of being chased?

Being chased, on the other hand, tops the list of recurring dreams among women. A coincidence? I don't think so. After all, dreams always reflect conscious life, albeit in a symbolic way. Being chased is closely related to the feeling of insecurity and the fear that can arise from it. This can be due to a lack of self-esteem, a need for external validation or simply the awareness that one is constantly putting things off. People who tend to avoid any confrontation often dream of being pursued and running away. But there is also a positive side: from an evolutionary point of view, this dream has helped to train humans to run away from potential predators. One question: outside the savannah, do we really still need to run?
What does it mean to dream of dying?

Even though the dream of dying is an experience that few claim to have lived through to the end, I am sure that even those who have come close to it have woken up screaming in the middle of the night. Surprisingly, contrary to what you may think, this dream has a very positive meaning for your life: It symbolises the transition from one state to another. Just as the 13th Tarot Arcana teaches, you are about to enter the next phase of your life, there is a whiff of change in the air! My advice is to welcome it as enthusiastically as possible, start your morning with a nice skincare routine and wait for your coffee at the café: you never know who or what you might meet ;).
Dreaming about pregnancy, what does that mean?

Strange but true: according to a study by researchers at morning.co.uk, based on the Google database, the most recurring dream in Italy is pregnancy! Artemidorus and Greek prophecy tell us that: "Pregnancy promises wealth to the poor, sorrow to the rich, widowhood to the bonded and marriage to the unmarried. To all others: Sickness." But rest assured, we obviously disagree. Both Freudian and Jungian thinking agree with the symbolic power of this dream, which centres on the idea of the future. The good news: whether it is a project still in the embryonic stage ;) an idea, your 'eternal inner child' urging to come out, or a complete rebirth - pregnancy, in dreams as in real life, brings positive news for which it is only a good sign not to be ready.
And if you're a fan of late nights too, don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. We'll be back soon with more tips on how to improve your beauty sleep, and why not? Understand how it affects your waking life too.