Things you can do on Valentine’s Day that are not at all romantic
Valentine's Day in reverse: how to spend the festival of love in a totally anti-romantic way
February 14th, 2024
Galentine’s Day, Self-care season, no Valentine no problem is just a few of many headlines in favor of making Valentine’s Day “work for you” no matter your relationship status. But what if the rose-colored glasses have come off and you’re embracing a cynical Valentine’s Day? That’s right, there are a few of us out there who aren’t in the mood – for the idea of love or to be sold yet another product that’s guaranteed to cure your loneliness, body image issues, and relationship with your family. If you’re over the idea of being sold something this Valentine’s Day, then join the club. We all know about the Grinch who stole Christmas, this is the Valentine’s Day equivalent. Grab your cynicism and keep reading to be inspired by just a few ways you can spend Valentine’s Day in the least romantic way possible.
Enter full-Grinch Mode
It’s time to hibernate, girls. Block yourself from social media, spend time disconnecting, and avoid the outside and all your couple friends like the plague. Sometimes it can be great to hang out with your girlfriends, enjoying a Galentine’s mocktail or two, but sometimes even that feels like you might be reminded of love and dating when in reality all you want to do is sit on your couch and eat ice cream.
Get into your hobbies
This is definitely the moment for self-distraction. Grab those drawing pencils that have been sitting in your closet for ages, pick up that old guitar sitting in the corner, and spend hours hyper-focusing on your long lost hobby. It’s distracting while being productive. You won’t even notice how much time goes by when you’re trying to figure out how to tune a very rusty guitar.
Watch a game show
Nothing is quite as opposite to love and romantic relationships quite like game shows. Grab the remote, wear your days-old sweat suit, pig out on the couch in Gilmore Girls fashion, and get ready to laugh the night away. Shows like Last One Laughing or Task Master are a great distraction to any romantic holiday that might be happening outside the safety of your apartment.
Volunteer your time
The local elderly care facility probably needs volunteers. Instead of spending your evening thinking about love lost or love won, distract yourself by spending time with people who have interesting stories and would love nothing more than to chat your ear off.
Get ahead on your spring cleaning and don't be scared to be a little cynic
While everyone else is off having dinner out, going on dates, or having drinks with friends, use this time to your advantage. Blast some angry girl music, listen to your murder mystery podcast and scrub those baseboards! It’s hard to think of anything more romantic that cleaning out your shower drain. Valentine’s Day isn’t for everyone. Sometimes you don’t want to spend an evening “loving yourself” with self care, on a date, or hanging out with friends on a Galentines. Sometimes all you want is to be a little cynical, not taking the holiday seriously and distracting yourself from love entirely. To the cynics out there, we just want to say we see you, and you’re not alone.