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Why is everyone on TikTok obsessed with "classics"?

Social media platforms choose to shape the future by revisiting the past

Why is everyone on TikTok obsessed with classics? Social media platforms choose to shape the future by revisiting the past

During your academic journey, have you ever come across a paragraph titled "Humanism and the Renaissance: the rediscovery of classics"? We bet the answer is affirmative, but why ask this question? Just as the scholars of the 15th century did after the "dark centuries" of the Middle Ages, today, we find ourselves in a sort of rediscovery of "classics", but the hands of time have not simply reversed. So, it is necessary to transport the past into a modern dimension, made of networks, connections, and virtual identities, does it make sense, don't you think?

@whitelandsrarebooks Ha avuto un bel colpo di fortuna #whitelands #libri #libriantichi #trattative #librirari #magia #stregoneria #magiatiktok suono originale - Luca Cena

In recent days, the keyword "classics" is indeed trending on social media with numerous contents and hashtags. Just think of the account of Edoardo Prati, a young man who has gained over 200 thousand followers in just a few months, talking solely about his passion: classical literature. Also, the profile of Luca Cena, a collector who, as stated in his bio, "sells, buys, and tells rare books," has reached over 80 thousand followers with his dedication to ancient books. These are just some of the names we often see on the web these days, but the birth of "BookTok" and many other formats are already emblematic of the change we are experiencing.

What is meant by "classics" today

@senaarchives There are many definitions of a classic, but these are the main ideas :) 1- It must address the human condition. 2- It must have created profound shifts in perspective for all its readers, so every time you read a classic you gain something new. 3- It has to have influenced many other important works, like Dracula by Bram Stoker being the springboard for so many adaptations. 4- Generations of expert critics and readers must have regarded it highly, so it stands the test of time. 5- The classic is usually difficult to understand, but when understood rewards its readers immensely.

However, the hybridization between present and past is not as easy as it seems, and sometimes there is a risk of confusion, especially when it comes to using the correct terminology. Therefore, we asked ourselves what is really meant by "classics" and how this concept is translated today on social media. To answer the question, we must first start with a standard definition. "Classical books refer to works of literature that have managed to surpass the barrier of time and continue to be read for generations. These are masterpieces with great resonance and often well-known, such as Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice or Tolstoy's War and Peace, as they not only encapsulate the sentiment of an era but still reflect the values and dynamics of human beings as such.": these are the words chosen by the expert Gaia Lapasini to give us a first glimpse of the "classic" concept.

@gaialapasini Libri classici da leggere #booktok #libridaleggere #bookwarm #lettoriditiktok #booktokitalia suono originale - gaialapasini

There are many ways to talk about classics; in the 3rd century AD, the adjective "classicus" was used to refer to an author of excellence, a connotation that persists in contemporary language and is often associated with the vast ancient culture, both Greek and Latin, indicating works of value and lasting relevance. On the other hand, the term now includes everything that, while belonging to the present, has roots in a relatively recent past or continues to exert a significant influence on the public and commercial scene. This can include recent films, yesterday's musical successes, and pieces that continue to dominate the charts. Or even: iconic television shows and advertisements, fashion and culinary styles that withstand the test of time. With its pervasive presence, the term "classic" often takes on a meaning that is close to the inflated meaning of the terms "mythical" or "iconic".

The "classic" in the digital landscape


A voi chiedono formule a me Soldati di Ungaretti e mi va bene cosí…

son original - .

"The peculiarity of classics is therefore the ability to entertain and enrich the mind at the same time of those who read them. Thanks to social media, it is possible to generate comparisons and debates starting from these works, an example is the reading group of Ilenia Zodiaco that was created with the intention of reading the so-called Russian Bricks and then moving on to the main works of other nationalities": this is how Gaia Lapasini invites us to reflect on this "combination." Digitization has not only made it easier to enjoy classics but has led to the formation of entire communities of readers and has expanded the concept of "education" to reading, and the aforementioned profiles are clear evidence of this. So why are we still so fascinated by these works? Gaia has no doubts and answers like this: "Because they encapsulate universal feelings and emotions, increase our baggage of cultural references, and help us discover past eras. Reading classics is also knowing where we come from, what came before us, and doing it through a strong emotional connection and especially through a beautiful story." After all, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Classics are never outdated; they are what we need to understand our present and prepare for our future." What do you think? Have you found yourself returning to the reading of classics thanks to social media, as is happening to many users lately?