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How to overcome the fear of going to the gynaecologist

Keeping your health under control is very important

How to overcome the fear of going to the gynaecologist Keeping your health under control is very important

Some things are more difficult than others, especially for young adults. It seems that making a phone call instead of sending a message or independently booking medical appointments is particularly complicated. And if appointments need to be made over the phone, it's doubly complex. If we continue to add layers of difficulty, considering, for example, that the aforementioned appointment concerns parts of the body or conditions considered embarrassing, it becomes even more complicated. Let's rip off the band-aid: when was the last time you had a gynecological visit? Have you ever had one? Do you go regularly? This article is a sign: book one as soon as you can.

How Many People Visit the Gynecologist?

Medical appointments are expensive and scary. Perhaps that's why many people avoid them like the plague, only to find themselves dealing with issues that have worsened over time, undisturbed. Prevention and control are crucial, but younger girls may not know or may ignore it, perhaps due to anxiety or fear. According to an annual study conducted in 2023 by the Adolescence Laboratory and IARD Research Institute in collaboration with the Italian Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (Sigia) on a sample of 3,180 girls aged between 12 and 19, 61% of them experienced extreme discomfort talking about menstruation. This discomfort, which brings embarrassment and anxiety, also reflects on gynecological check-ups. When considering only the sub-sample of the 12-14 age group, 87.3% of girls have never had a check-up. In 2013, it was 76.3%, showing a significant increase. This is a very serious figure, highlighting not only a gap in awareness of prevention as a general concept (important in gynecological field but also in general), but also a strong fear among younger individuals towards their bodies and intimate functions, perceived as something to hide and suffer in silence in case of discomfort. We can't know where this fear comes from, whether from the shame we're taught from birth or (also) from ignorance. Let's try to clarify and talk about it: things we know are easier to face.

How Often Should You Have a Gynecological Visit and How to Prepare

According to experts, you should have a gynecological check-up once a year. A Pap Test should be done every 3 years. As you get older, the interval between check-ups should decrease, especially if there are family histories of diseases related to the reproductive system or menstrual cycle. To prepare for a gynecological visit, the most important things to know are primarily two. The gynecologist is a professional figure there to examine, not to judge, so if you're worried about body hair and such, try not to fret. Additionally, you should be ready to answer some questions that might make you uncomfortable. Keep in mind that it's about your health. Answer honestly and without lying. Furthermore, it's important for the doctor to put their patient at ease, explaining all the steps of what they're about to do and what instruments they're going to use, especially if it's your first time. If you're booking your first gynecological visit, make sure to mention it. Similarly, if you have a low pain threshold or if you're very tense and anxious, explain it to the doctor. If they don't accommodate you, it's also up to you to decide whether you want to continue the visit or not or change the person.

How to Find a Gynecologist

In many medical centers, there's the possibility to have gynecological check-ups at reduced prices. For example, in Milan, Sant'Agostino Medical Center offers gynecology, pediatric gynecology, and obstetrics visits. Booking is done through the website, and you can choose locations, doctors, and times completely remotely. Also in Milan, the Ambrosian Family Clinic offers visits at even lower prices. Similar centers are present throughout Italy, especially in big cities, including Rome, Naples, Palermo, Bari, Bologna, and Turin. Inquiring with friends about how often they book appointments, doing it together, and openly discussing it with friends could be a good way to remove any possible shame or discomfort from this occasion (which is crucial). However, the most important thing is to always keep yourself under control.