Practical tips for the change of season
The transition from winter to spring is not easy for everyone
March 21st, 2024
Spring has the magic of a fairy tale. The sun shines in the sky and its first timid rays on the face give us a pleasant warmth. Outside, birds chirp happily. The blooming almond and jasmine trees fill the air with sweet notes and promises of a better tomorrow. It's as if the March equinox instantly erases the melancholic mood of the cold months and gives us a boost of energy and hope. But it's not like that for everyone. Life isn't a Disney cartoon with animals hanging out clothes and the protagonist cheerfully singing. Come March 20th, instead of greeting the sun and humming Shiny Happy People, some feel weary in body and spirit.
Symptoms of Seasonal Change and spring fatigue
With every season change, the body needs more energy to adapt to the new weather conditions. The effects on our body are similar to those of a mini jet-lag. With the arrival of daylight saving time, our biological clock goes haywire and it takes time to regain its balance. In spring, the situation can become more complicated, especially if we suffer from allergies. Those sensitive to changes in climate and light may experience tiredness and fatigue which in some cases leads to asthenia, a widespread sense of weakness and lack of psycho-physical energy that can negatively impact normal daily activities. Sleep-wake cycles and the immune system are often disrupted, causing drowsiness or insomnia, irritability, anxiety, mood swings, decreased concentration, digestive problems, decreased appetite or excessive hunger, headaches, feeling unwell, and muscle pains.
What Happens to Our Body During the change of season?
Seasonal changes not only affect our mood but also the functioning of our body. Body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, and blood pressure decreases. Variations in sunlight and temperature lead to a series of biochemical and psychophysiological processes. In spring, the sudden increase in sunlight intensity and duration leads to increased secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone, and serotonin, known as the happiness hormone, which, if produced in excess, can exacerbate anxiety. Lastly, the production of melatonin decreases, making it difficult to sleep and worsening sleep quality. Therefore, it's easy to experience nervousness, mood swings, and insomnia.
Dealing with Spring Fatigue
If we suffer from specific conditions and symptoms are severe and persistent, it's best to consult our doctor or a mental health professional. Otherwise, there are several ways to alleviate or prevent spring fatigue. These are the same habits of a healthy lifestyle, such as proper nutrition, adequate hydration, good sleep quality, regular physical exercise, and mental health care. Here are some targeted tips to take care of ourselves even during the complicated transition from winter to spring.
Attention to Nutrition
The body is already busy coping with the upheavals of seasonal change, so we should avoid draining its energy with a too restrictive diet, but also overburdening its work with overly heavy meals and overly processed foods. Let's choose fresh fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, which strengthen the immune system thanks to vitamin C, or strawberries, which - thanks to their unique combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules - are potential allies for cardiovascular health, or bananas, which being rich in tryptophan, vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium, promote psycho-physical well-being. A good idea for a spring snack? Almonds, whole grain bread, an apple, and dark chocolate. It seems redundant to say, but we must always ensure to maintain adequate hydration, by consuming water and other liquids.
The Importance of Quality Sleep and Exercise
Quality sleep is essential for overall well-being and for tackling daily activities effectively. Seasonal changes can influence our circadian rhythm and, consequently, our sleep. Sleeping well has become increasingly difficult, to the extent that vacations dedicated to this purpose have emerged, but there are small adjustments that can help us achieve the rest we deserve: maintaining a regular routine, creating a comfortable environment, or limiting the use of electronic devices before bedtime. Regular physical exercise is crucial for physical and mental well-being. It's not necessary to engage in a sport in the conventional sense or go to the gym every evening or morning; in fact, did you know that a walk, perhaps in a beautiful park, positively influences cardiac and respiratory function and reduces stress? We just need to choose an activity we enjoy.
Taking Care of Ourselves
Okay. In a day, there are many things to do, but if we don't take a break to recharge our mind and body, we risk burnout. Everyone has their own method to relax: skincare, reading a book, watching a TV series, playing with the dog, chatting with friends, cultivating a hobby, knitting, meditating, cooking sweets, and the list goes on. The important thing is to unplug, dedicate ourselves only to ourselves, to our mental health, and, why not, start a therapy journey.