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Ludovica Coscione: "I have a vintage soul and a contemporary versatility."

Interview with the actress face of the Back at it campaign by Levi's®.

Ludovica Coscione: I have a vintage soul and a contemporary versatility. Interview with the actress face of the Back at it campaign by Levi's®.

Ludovica Coscione, even through the screen, is like a ray of sunshine. Our chat brightens up a summer morning in the office, washing away the dull neon lights and illuminating one of the last days in Milan before the holidays. Ludovica responds with a smile, speaking freely and with extreme spontaneity. It's impossible not to thank her after each answer. The focus of our conversation? Her career and sources of expression and inspiration, of course, but also her collaboration with Levi's® for the Back at it campaign, where she perfectly embodies the union of elegance and ease, everyday casual wear, and relaxed beauty.

"My passion for acting was born with me. It sounds like a cliché that we actors often say, but I realize that for me this isn't a job, it's a calling. What’s at stake are my real emotions; I tell stories that in some way belong to me because I put a part of myself into them. I like to say that when I act, I open Pandora's box: it’s also a way of self-analysis, I have this need to study myself," she tells us, then adds, "When I started, I was very young, it was natural. But it was my parents who told me I might have what it takes to be an actress. Either an actress or a lawyer, given how much I talk. I tried both and then leaned toward acting," she concludes with a laugh.

Ludovica Coscione: I have a vintage soul and a contemporary versatility. Interview with the actress face of the Back at it campaign by Levi's®. | Image 524353
Ludovica Coscione: I have a vintage soul and a contemporary versatility. Interview with the actress face of the Back at it campaign by Levi's®. | Image 524351
Ludovica Coscione: I have a vintage soul and a contemporary versatility. Interview with the actress face of the Back at it campaign by Levi's®. | Image 524350
Ludovica Coscione: I have a vintage soul and a contemporary versatility. Interview with the actress face of the Back at it campaign by Levi's®. | Image 524352

It's impossible not to immediately notice the similarities between her, Levi's®, and the new collection. She explains it herself: "We share a vintage soul, which is a cute way of saying old. Sometimes I feel like I don't belong in the contemporary era, and I’m so nostalgic that I like to seek and find myself in previous times." But that’s not all: "We also have versatility in common. Even though I love the past, I am a woman of my time and have to fight modern battles that are relevant to my era. So: a vintage soul and the versatility of the modern world, that’s who we are." And through Levi's®, Ludovica Coscione expresses her personal style. "Clothing allows me to express my personality," she confirms, brushing her red fringe away from her face. "I'm an air sign, maybe I hide behind that. I'm an Aquarius, and I’m moody, my style isn't defined, it changes depending on my mood for the day. Those who know me well can guess my aura for the day just by looking at my outfit. I love not having a defined style because I think clothing is for everyone, and everyone should express themselves and dress as they see fit. What I love about Levi's® is that they have a fit for everyone."

For everyone and for every place, even on vacation or rather on set: "I’ll bring Levi's®, especially the XL straight model, with me on set. It doesn't look like it'll be a summer full of holidays, but that's okay. For me, summer means the set now, especially the one for Mare Fuori." Though she confesses: "I don't dress according to the seasons. Especially when I was younger, I never did. My mother hated that because I'm prone to getting sick, and she worried about my health. But I'm the kind of person who’ll wear a sweatshirt and shorts in winter, or maybe a long-sleeved shirt to the beach. I have fun with it."

When we ask if she has any specific memories tied to the denim brand, she doesn't hesitate for a second before answering: "When I was little, I used to steal my mom's clothes and play dress-up at home. The Levi's® jeans were almost untouchable; I had to take good care of them. This memory connects me to both the brand and my mom, who is one of my best friends. Another strong memory: when I first started working, I decided to treat myself to my first trip to New York, where I bought my first pair of Levi's®, and it gave me that sense of self-determination, that push confirming that I was making it." Acting and clothing aren't the only ways she creates and communicates; in fact, "I love expressing myself through music, which is becoming less of a secret. Even more so through words. I love writing, reading poetry. I also love painting, even though I'm not good at it. Makeup, even though it's very minimal, is a moment where I can focus, stay concentrated, and not let my mind wander into overthinking. I'm very sensitive; I use all my senses to communicate."

After talking about clothes, we shift a bit to work. Her dream collaboration? "Margot Robbie, because she's young, because she's Australian in a world—the film industry—that’s American, and because at one point she said being just an actress was too easy since she’s blonde, beautiful, and talented. So, she started a production company, began producing films, and had the humility not to star in all of them, clearly separating the two roles." In her future, however, there isn’t (yet, at least) a collaboration with the Barbie actress, but: "There are many little projects I can't reveal yet, exciting work opportunities that will challenge me a lot. What I can concretely say is that in the future, I hope to learn how to breathe, to quiet my mind, and to live in the present."