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Speculating about the health (and physical appearance) of Angelina Mango serves no purpose.

Don't we ever learn from our mistakes?

Speculating about the health (and physical appearance) of Angelina Mango serves no purpose. Don't we ever learn from our mistakes?

Angelina Mango has postponed her tour dates. She announced it with a diary entry, written in blue pen, with a few cross-outs and hesitations. "I started this tour with the best intentions. I was thrilled to play live with you, and the concerts in Rome and Naples filled my heart," she wrote. "In recent days, I've had to postpone the upcoming dates because of my voice, which I still haven’t fully recovered, and now it's time to listen to myself." Vocal issues, then—so why is everyone talking about her body?

Angelina Mango’s Body at the Center of Discussion

In the days leading up to the announcement, some users expressed concern for the singer of Pokè Melodrama. Fans and observers found her to be too thin and looking frail. They voiced this with the delicate touch typical in such cases, messaging her repeatedly and reposting videos and images to support their claims: Angelina is not well. Then came the postponed dates, which they took as clear confirmation. The result? For days, all anyone talks about is the body and health (including mental health) of a twenty-three-year-old as if she didn’t exist, as if she didn’t read the comments, as if she were a character, not a person, and as if she didn't have to—in any case—come to terms with the fact that she had to postpone her tour dates.

@nssgclub Il suo primo album, Poké Melodrama, è uscito stanotte e Angelina Mango non potrebbe essere più pronta e contenta di così. Abbiamo scambiato due chiacchiere con lei alla vigilia di questo momento speciale, che segna anche l'inizio della sua estate di concerti. Voi lo avete piace già ascoltato? L'intervista completa è al link in bio. @angelinamango__ #angelina #angelinamango #mango #amici #pokemelodrama #drama #album #cantante #canzone #perte #musicindustry crush - Angelina Mango

What’s the Issue?

As usual, what’s under scrutiny here is the behavior of certain social media users, who allow themselves to speculate on others’ health without considering the consequences, not only for the singer but for others who read it. Alongside this is our urge to comment on other people’s bodies, something we can’t seem to stop. While it’s good to be concerned about someone, it’s less so to turn someone’s mental and physical health into a public debate, with factions and shallow comments, and even less so to make diagnoses online.

The Message: Self-Care and Listening to Oneself

So why not focus on the second half of Angelina Mango’s message? "I need to pause because I want to take care of myself, putting my health first, and because I want to be not only my voice but also that of all of you! For this reason, together with my team, I’ve decided that, for now, I can’t continue with my live shows. I love you all so much, and I thank you for the support I know I’ll receive in the coming days." The emphasis is on self-care, on listening to oneself, on knowing where and when to stop. Whatever the issue may be—or whether there is one at all, and regardless of its nature.