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How to recreate a homemade "Foam Cloud Mirror"

Easy and fun to make and 100% handmade, for the most colorful selfies ever

How to recreate a homemade Foam Cloud Mirror Easy and fun to make and 100% handmade, for the most colorful selfies ever

For months now, on Instagram and TikTok are popping up photos and videos of influencers taking selfies in front of a "foamy" mirror, as if the old frame had been replaced by a colorful pile of popcorn, marshmallows or clouds. They call it Foam Cloud Mirror and it's the latest DIY trend. 


Given the large amount of old and unused mirrors we all have at home, why not try to replicate it? On the surface it may seem like a difficult experiment, but in reality it is very simple, as well as being the ultimate recycling solution; all you need is a mirror and polyurethane foam, which can be found in any hardware store, and that's it! Once the foam is given, it will naturally swell and soon take on a "cloudy", soft and super fluffy appearance. If you want a more minimal mirror, leave it in natural white, if you prefer it in the technicolor version, arm yourself with a spray can and color the whole frame; or again, buy a thread of colored neon light or a garland of flowers, place it around, and the effect will be amazing.


What you need

A mirror; spray polyurethane foam; a towel or newspaper; spray paint (optional).



Start by preparing the work area. Lay the cloth or newspaper on the counter, make sure it is two or three times bigger than the mirror. Warning 1: the spray foam is difficult to tame, so if this is the first time you do it first a little experiment to practice on the shape you want to give to your frame, so there will be no nasty surprises). Also, make sure you are in a well-ventilated area. 



Lay the mirror face up on the towel and clean it thoroughly to avoid any residual dust. 



Now it's time to apply the foam to the mirror. Warning 2: As it dries, the foam will expand to about twice as large. Insert the nozzle and start spraying the foam on the edge of the mirror in a zigzag motion. If some parts came out thinner than others, don't worry, add more foam. Once you're done, let the foam dry for a few hours. 


STEP 4 (optional)

As mentioned above, you could leave the mirror as it is, with the white foam, but if you want to add an extra touch of color, spray it with a spray of the color you like. You can also choose if you want a glossy or matte finish. Before coloring it, cover the mirrored surface with newspaper or plastic film to leave it intact. Let the color dry for a few hours, then hang and enjoy your creation.