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Women Do Football Workshop

A football jersey customization session during the Women's Football match

Women Do Football Workshop A football jersey customization session during the Women's Football match
Women Do Football Workshop A football jersey customization session during the Women's Football match
nss staff

Last Friday the event to watch all together the match of the Women’s National Team against Jamaica was unmissable for two different reasons. Thanks to the triplet by Cristiana Girelli and the double from Aurora Galli the girls managed to reach the last-16 with around ahead. A great success that could turn the girls’ dream into reality. 

The match was not the only attraction of the night though. The community of football enthusiasts gathered for a workshop of jersey customizations. The Nike training shirts became the perfect canvas to express their creativity thanks to inserts of different fabrics, details, cut-outs and decorations. The item symbol of the football aesthetic is enriched by an unprecedented feminine vision, becoming the perfect expression of the claim Women Do Football. 

Between lettering, logos and colors the girls created their own football jersey, take a look here at some of the final creations. 

Revive in our exclusive reportage what went down at the Women Do Football Workshop. 

The events for the Women’s World Cup continue tomorrow, Tuesday, June 18th with the live football match, drinks & food, photo exhibition and the exclusive reportage by Madame. To partecipate register here