5 worst Valentine's Day gift ideas - 2021 Edition
What you should NOT choose on Amazon

February 2nd, 2021
Every year the same dilemma: what's the best gift for your loved one for Valentine's Day?
This very difficult choice becomes even more complex this year: no dinners or nights out, no spa for two or last minute romantic getaways.
The risk of choosing the wrong gift increases and this is why nss G-Club runs to the rescue, for 2021 as well, with the 5 products you should NOT choose as gifts for your partner.
Chalk is forever
There are those who give away the intangible and fascinating stars and those who prefer material and durable goods such as plaster. A gift that is creative but at the same time bulky.
Surprise pillow
There is no more iconic Valentine's Day gift than the famous photo pillow. Its origins remain uncertain as the times we live in. The only certainty is that the partner's reaction to receiving it will not be as sparkling as this sequined version of your love.
Funny flowers
Flowers are always a good idea but woe to experiment by opting for some "funny" alternative. Gift not to be given, not even by mistake to 6-year-old cousins - if you care a little about proper oral hygiene.
Memorial bear
It starts with a bear and ends with a pillow, poster and 6x3 billboard of your love.
Love is an intimate and private feeling, there is no need for a bear to remember it.
If you really love someone, let them free, we are taught by Richard Bach first and Jim Morrison afterwards. Therefore, gifts aimed at limiting the freedom of thought, opinion, speech - but also movement - of the partner are absolutely forbidden.