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What is Pracaxi oil and how does it work

An oil with a mysterious name and unexpected benefits

What is Pracaxi oil and how does it work An oil with a mysterious name and unexpected benefits

In this week's nss G-Club Beauty Secret we'll about oil with a mysterious name (and difficult to pronounce) that you may have never heard of, the pracaxi oil.

What is it? Pracaxi is the name of a tropical plant - Pentaclethra macroloba - that grows in the humid and sunny regions of South America. The evergreen tree can reach 35 meters in height and when it blooms it is covered with small purple petalled flowers. Each plant, however, produces only one fruit, and pracaxi oil is then extracted from its seeds.
Amber like gold and fragrant like hazelnuts, this oil has incredible nutritional properties, making it a worthy rival of the much better known and marketed argan oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil and linseed oil. In fact, it has a very high concentration of behenic acid and lignoceric acid, as well as many vitamins and minerals essential for the health of the hair.

How to use it? For many years it has been used by the natives of the Amazon because of its healing properties and even today it is a primary ingredient of many beauty products, such as conditioners and hair oils. Here are its functions:

  1. Untangles hair
  2. Prevents hair loss
  3. Protects the hair and prevents split ends 
  4. Calming effect on the scalp
  5. Prevents dandruff
  6. Makes your hair shiny

nss G-Club tips. Mix a few drops of pracaxi oil with your usual conditioner. Apply a little bit of it on the tips of the hair before you proceed with your usual blow-out. Apply before bed as an overnight treatment and rinse off in the morning. Another benefit? Also great for fighting eczema and psoriasis on body and face.

Where to find it? One of the brands that make great use of pracaxi oil is Kerastase, for example in its line Elixir Ultime Oleo-Complexe and in particular in Elixir Ultime Versatile Oil, one of the most luxurious products on the market.

Here is a mini shopping guide with some pracaxi oil products to try immediately. Check them out!

9$ USD