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History and evolution of mascara

All you need to know about this beauty secret with a very old history

History and evolution of mascara All you need to know about this beauty secret with a very old history

The must-have make-up product of our beauty cases all over the world, as well as one of the few that we still use in this weird year, has very ancient origins, like many of the popular beauty secrets. A few other clues: its name comes from the word "mask" or from the Arabic "mascharat" which means joke.

We are talking about mascara, and its millennial history. Used since the Ancient Egypt era, both by men and women, to enhance the look but also to protect the eyes from diseases and evil spirits, making the eyelashes thicker and thicker. The powder of the kohl, also called kajal, was mixed with waxes, animal fats or resins, and also used to create the famous elongated black "Cleopatra" line, typical of the 4000 BC make-up.

This trend was also adopted by the Greeks and Babylonians, and then by the Romans: the whole Mediterranean seemed to appreciate the chic and sensual effect of a touch of black on the eyes. After the fall of the Roman Empire it disappeared just as quickly, but continued to be used in the Middle East, where great emphasis was given to the eyes, as still happens today.

Things changed radically in the Middle Ages when eyelashes and eyebrows were even shaved, to highlight the forehead, considered a true attribute of beauty. In the second half of the sixteenth century the aesthetics were still very different from that of today, but a very modern treatment began to be done: to resemble Queen Elizabeth I as much as possible, women of the time dyed their hair and eyelashes as well. eyebrows to make them clearer, with coppery reflections. However, the dyes were toxic and often resulted in their dropping.

It was only in 1860 that the French perfumer, Eugène Rimmel, created the first non-toxic mascara. Already considered an unparalleled innovator in the world of perfumery and cosmetics, as well as a skilled advertiser, the invention of mascara enjoyed unparalleled success, so much so that his surname became a synonym for the word "mascara". Its mixture consisted of coal dust and petroleum jelly and although it was not yet in the form we know today, it did its duty.

On the other side of the Atlantic, in 1913, chemist Thomas. L. Williams created a special gift for his sister Mabel: he added charcoal powder to the petroleum jelly that his sister used to comb her lashes and eyebrows, increasing the effect and enhancing the look. Mabel managed to win over her beloved (fun fact: actually betrothed to another), and Williams founded her own cosmetics company: Maybelline. Year after year Thomas continued to work on the product, first creating a version of mascara in pod, which was applied with the relative brush, all contained in a package. Then he switched to the cream version, which can be squeezed from the tube directly onto the brush.

Cinema will also play its part, setting new standards of beauty. The movie stars of the 1930s and 1940s made extensive use of it and the eyes became a real catalyst for attention and synonymous with beauty and sensuality. Just think of Bette Davis, for example, who even had a song dedicated to her eyes.

We need to mention another important name in the field to complete our story: it is Helena Rubinstein who completed the work in 1957 and created the applicator that we all know. He put the product and the brush in a single tube, and voilà. Mascara-matic (i.e. automatic) was created. Cinema, fashion and culture continued to emphasize the look and, consequently, contributed to the success of mascara, which has become a real must-have for any cosmetic company or fashion house.

From there, many new versions followed: waterproof, tinted, transparent, with brushes of various shapes and sizes, as well as formulas for all tastes and different packaging.

Mascara has become the protagonist and essential element of beauty looks, from make-up for every day to the more extra ones made by make-up artists on the occasion of films, red carpets and catwalks of fashion shows.

Today there are many alternatives and brands that offer their own version of mascara, along with other products for the eyelashes: just think of false eyelashes or treatments such as lamination and extensions, but also eyelash curlers. The important thing is that they are as long and bushy as possible. nss G-Club to pay homage to this iconic product has selected the best mascaras for this Fall/Winter 2020. Here are the news of the season.