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Angelica Schiatti, Calcutta and the Morgan case: who protects the victims?

A process for stalking and revenge porn that has been going on for 4 years, and the accused continues to work undisturbed

Angelica Schiatti, Calcutta and the Morgan case: who protects the victims? A process for stalking and revenge porn that has been going on for 4 years, and the accused continues to work undisturbed

Today, with an article in Fatto Quotidiano written by Selvaggia Lucarelli, a case of stalking and revenge porn in the Italian music world has come to light. The protagonists of this sad story are Morgan and Angelica Schiatti. According to the reconstruction of events, the two had a brief affair in 2014, after which the Bluvertigo singer began to harass her. His behavior included acts that perfectly fit the definition of stalking, such as ordering his friends to follow and intimidate her, as well as sharing private photos of the singer in online groups. The case has sparked public opinion, with many questioning why the music and television industry continues to give Morgan a platform, despite his history of controversial behavior.

Angelica Schiatti's Words

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the solidarity and affection I am receiving from many of you. I have been silent for four years and will continue to be (as the facts speak for themselves) hoping that justice will take its course in a timely manner," wrote Angelica Schiatti on her Instagram profile, with a clear and simple statement that conveys her disillusionment. "I felt and still feel very alone and abandoned by the institutions. This is the condition of a woman who finds the courage to report in Italy, who tries to defend and protect her dignity and who should NEVER be left alone," she added.

Calcutta's Intervention

Her boyfriend Calcutta stood by her side, writing on his Instagram stories: "I hate talking about my private life, in fact, I hate talking, but now I have to. Today, several articles were published about what my girlfriend had to endure over these four years. I assure you that the horrific events reported in the article are just a small part of what happened and have changed our lives more than you can imagine. Unfortunately, the news too often speaks of similar events that end in the worst possible way," he began, before launching into his main point, focusing primarily on Warner Music Italy, which offered a contract to Marco Morgan Castoldi: "I think it's only right to cut all possible work ties with this label. The songs I write will no longer be available for their roster artists, and none of its employees are welcome at my concerts. It won’t be a pleasure to meet them on the street either because, to me, those who behave like this by remaining silent are complicit. Look inside yourselves once in a while."

Stalking, Revenge Porn, and the Treatment of Victims in Italy

That stalking is underestimated in Italy is, unfortunately, no secret. It is also very difficult to be convicted for revenge porn (even worse if it is carried out through Generative Artificial Intelligence) and workplace harassment. Generally, victims (especially if they are women) of such abuses are often belittled, sidelined, and alienated. By reporting, Angelica risked her career. By standing with her with such clear words, Calcutta did the same and implicitly, if not outright, invited other artists to do the same. Morgan has not commented. Will this be enough to no longer see him on our screens? How much more will women have to endure from people in positions of power in the Italian showbusiness? Something has to change.

Warner's Response is Swift but Insufficient

A few hours after the article's release and just minutes after Calcutta's stories and Angelica Schiatti's statements, Warner Music Italia issued a statement. The company did not comment on the singer's accusations but simply stated that they had ended their relationship with Morgan "in light of the content and messages that emerged and were reported by the Italian press today." It took Calcutta's firm and unwavering stance for this to happen, four years after the first complaint.